Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The End of the Start, and the Start of the New

Hey there folks, this marks the last day of 2014. 2015 will be the first full year for this blog.
 I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes me and this blog, and what strange new adventures will arise. I have been scouring the internet looking for new content to capture.

I have set numerous dates to attend car shows, auto crosses, rally crosses, and other Air Pump centered events. I'm Looking to again go to Formula Drift Seattle, time permitting. And I am very much looking forward to getting a new camera, for which I have already fattened up a savings account for.

 The photos posted today are from my dads neat Nikon D5100 and some neat lenses from the old film camera. The Pump is my old bug because I had no other car to shoot. So stayed tuned for what this year has to offer and all the stellar Pumps that will grace this blog. Happy New Year friends!

Joshua Sewell

Instagram: josh_sewell_photo

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Meguri-Ai: The Washington Bred RWB Porsche

While I was at Formula Drift Seattle I had my first real life encounter with a Genuine Rough-Welt Porsche. Meguri-Ai is one of the few Porsche 911s that has been given the Rough-Welt Begriff treatment. Porsche purists hate them and just about everyone else loves them, but no matter who you are they grab your attention, and I have a hunch that was part of the goal when they were modified.
 The thing that struck me most about this Porsche and many of its siblings was the massive #AIRSLICER on the decklid, not only do they add so much to the statement the car makes but also seem to be functional...
 An observant eye can catch the air scoops that the spoiler also performs as forcing more Air into the engine bay and therefore allowing for more Pumping of Air! These scoops speak to the presence that Nakai san (the kat behind these monster cars) wants his cars to have, not only to have them catch your attention but also perform well to match the daunting looks.
 This better shows the massive down force producing wing that slices through the air..the same medium the Pump breathes. This also shows the gorgeously incorporated wide body treatment given to the once stock 993.  
 Meguri-Ai was sitting pretty on a set of 18 inch iForged Fusion, Performance Alloy wheels. Hugged by a set of Pirelli Pzeros with a stenciled idlers on the sidewall. Before I knew much about these cars I didn't really like them, but knowing now that they are raced at events like idlers, thus makng the form and function of them come out, I have to say my feelings have changed.
The first time I saw one of these RWB Porsches online I wasn't sure if i liked them or not, they seemed to loud for what I was into. But After researching them and leaning that Nakai san does indeed race them at the Idlers 12hr and other Competitions in japan I have to say I have grown to like them.

When I went to Fourmula Drift Seattle I knew I would enjoy everything about it, but I had no idea that I would see an RWB Porsche. Meguri-Ai.. the name meaning "chance encounter" fit so well with how I came across the fine Air Pump it had to be of some supernatural occurrence.

Joshua Sewell

Instagram: josh_sewell_photo

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Classic Jap: AE86 Story

During my last semester of high school I took a photography class. Apart from this class I have had no professional photography training, with exception to the occasional mentoring from my dad and what skills he has... maybe this is apparent in the photos on this blog, maybe not, but that's subjective. Anyways, one day later in the semester I was on a shoot looking for subjects for an assignment called "Wheels are our Freedom" something to do with capturing the freedom kids feel when they get the keys to their first Pump. As expected I started searching for these Pumps of Air around the school and my neighborhood. To my surprise I found this classic Japanese Domestic Motors (JDM) fella sitting innocently only a few blocks from the high school.

 As would be expected, I started shooting the car despite the fact that the photos lacked the teens and their freedom theme, mainly because of the classic nature of the cars and the rare chance of shooting one of these again any time soon.
 After taking some shots I heard a heavily accented yell from a doorway behind me sounding something of Latin or Italian origin, the middle aged woman inquired as to my photographing of the old 86, and explained how it was her son's, and how he was constantly having people leaving notes on it and that he recently recovered it form a theft. I stuttered to come up with a reason that sounded credible, knowing that describing the photography assignment would be a dead end. I managed to get out the words photography class and high school.
 She paused, tilted her head to the left, and questioned as to who the teacher was. I told her and she paused again, then repeated the name to me in a questioning tone... I responded in the affirmative. She stepped back and rethought the situation. She said she had a daughter who took a class from him a few years ago. She then inquired as to why I was shooting the car again. I briefly told her the jest of the assignment despite my earlier thoughts of it being hopeless, and she agreed to let me keep shooting the 86.
 I took a couple deep breaths, gave a friendly chuckle, thanked her, and apologized for the scare. After this I commenced shooting the Pump and fully dove into capturing the ethos of this classic chassis.
 The highlight of this car by far was the wheels. The Watanabe style Konigs fit so perfectly with the rest of the car and threw nicely back to the days of InitialD and tofu delivery with the panda paint scheme. I took a peak into the window of the car and saw over 200,000 miles on the clock. If it wasn't obvious from the outside, those number go to show that this car has had a lot of seat time, and that's the way it should be with a car that is arguably one of the first real drivers cars.
After all the hype that the lady gave me I was still feeling some pressure because I knew she'd be keeping a close eye on me through the kitchen window or front door key hole. After a few more shots I left and continued the hunt for the assigned assignment that was assigned to me.

    Looking back on it now I wouldn't have done it any other way, The interaction made a story to remember, and I got to shoot one of my favorite chassis. Have you ever had a close call with a camera? Feel free to load up a comment with a story.

Joshua Sewell

Instagram: josh_sewell_photo

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Pumped: M3 spotting

This is another first for this site. It will feature a mini feature of a neat pump I lay eyes on in the wild. Enter the new segment "Pumped". On Air Pumps. Enjoy.

    The M3 is an iconic car; as I was going to a movie this week I spotted a beaut' of an M3 E36 in the lot. Careful not to show the lincense plate to protect the innocent. Here's some neat pictures of the first M3 to sport an inline six from the factory.
The puddles played a nice reflection peice to ad to the shots. 
You may be thinking this is a pretty mediocre excuse for a post, but in my hometown seeing something of this caliber in such a casual setting is rare enough. 
If I was here twenty minuets earlier. I would have had some stellar lighting as can be seen on the buildings in the backdrop. 
If you feel so inclined, feel free to share your spotted local city pumps below. 

Joshua Sewell

Instagram: josh_sewell_photo

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Pumping for the Masses: Autocross, and a Stingray.

When you think of a fun time in a car for a cheap price, autocross is hard to beat. It costs less than a full tank of gas to participate in, and it's one of the safest ways to quench any need for speed you might have. The culture these drivers make at the event is kinda like a recovery group for some illicit drug. Its just one way to come clean without getting any lights in your rear view mirror. I recently went to an autocross event and drug along my camera to document the trip... The cover photo is of the very first 2014 Corvette stingray I saw in person and got a ride in. It was a blast, even sitting in such a cutting edge vehicle, at least for America, was a real treat!

This was my first autocross event and seeing cars shed tires and flip sideways like they were was a breath of fresh air from the very strict guidelines set on government roadways.
 This little Fd rx-7 was tearing it up with the original engine I was surprised to hear, and was competing with the W10 Toyota Mr-2s in a street class.
 The MazdaSpeed3 has always been a car I thought looked great, and would look even better running through its paces at an event like this. Unfortunately this one was having some turbo problems and was spitting black smoke all day, but sounded pretty mad even still.
 There were about 372 Subies at the event, and most of them were setting respectable times through the gates.
 This old  De Tomaso Pantera was another exotic out there with the Stingray and was giving free rides all day.
 Some older gent brought out this German gem, it always nice to see something like this get to stretch its legs a bit.
 Another creative shot of a subie. To my surprise this and another Subaru like it were driven by females! There needs to be more of this.
 Here's one of those W10s that competed with the Fd rx-7. The Mr-2s were a bit quicker but seeing the two 80's geezers on course was a joy.
 This M3 was another Monster on the track. The car was sporting a Nürburgring decal, which says something about its history, and showed with the fastest time of the day. I got a ride in this feller too and it was another set of firsts for me, first time in a cam-lock five point harness, sparco racing seat, and first time riding in an M3.
 Another shot of this Beaut'
 Here's another Subaru that caught my eye, maybe it was the fact the the driver put on racing shoes before he started, or the mean look of the blacked out headlights.. Turns out it has a '06 Sti swap in it, pumping large quantities of air through an Invidia exhaust system with a whole jumble worth of suspension upgrades.
 This was one of the Female driven Subarus. I got a chance to talk to her dad at the event, and she has been doing these events for a couple years now and was beating most of the other street prepared Subarus.
Here's another shot of this massive pump. Hearing this beast's exhaust note and seeing the exhaust pipes shimmy when on throttle had me grinning like a fool every time it passed. Autocross has started to quench my thirst for speed, especially when I took my car there later last summer. I will admit when I drove, I had one of the slowest times, but improved from around 80 seconds to a less embarrassing 68.624, still one of the slowest was a great learning experience. But I had an absolute blast! And highly recommend it, even if your driving a 48 year old tin can... Have you ever autocrossed before? I'd love to hear about it below.

Here's a link to the website for these autocross events if your dying to take your daily driver to the limits.

Joshua Sewell.

Instagram: josh_sewell_photo

Monday, December 15, 2014

Frivolities of Formula Drift Seattle.

Like recent viewers know, I went to Formula Drift Seattle this last summer. At this event I took some neat pictures with my dads vintage camera. I also had another camera that I went totally nuts with, and I want to share some more of the images I got of the event. The Pro Am section, the pits, and the Offset Kings show, in no particular order. enjoy!
First stop for me was the pits. Rob Primo (The Tallest Man in Drift) munched his car in practice, unfortunately his team's improvisations didn't quite get him back out in time for qualifying.
 This bug was looking wild with that fitment.
 and the ej20 in the back was pushing 300hp. Quite a load for this chassis.
Dia strategizing with his crew, squad, people.
 Danny Gorge was another victim of practice.
 Next stop was to hone in the panning of the pumps for top 32.

 Diago Saito in his 10,000hp sc430
 Drove high...

 When you need a break from all that media, you might as well set up yourself a few thousand dollar arm rest.
 Next was some Pro Am shots.
 Loved the look of this eight six. Some say the Chassis is to old for the hype of the sport now. I beg to differ, especially with the right mods.
 Another example of an older chassis shredding.

 You can see the eight six's bumper behind the silvia
 This guy was pumped.
This was a pretty great battle in Am, and I can't complain about the lighting that poked thru the clouds. Gotta like all that forced air being pumped.

 Pretty sure this Silvia looked better with less bumper on it.
 Neat to see these teammates battle it out, to bad the rx8 lacks the rotary with which it was once graced.
 Next stop was the Offset Kings. This Rough-Welt rig stole the show.
 This monster was another highlight.
 I loved the fresh look of this Z.
 I'm sure the owner could fit some more gauges in there. The penguin as nice too.
 Can't go wrong with an old Samurai
 This is the best shifter.
 This RHD levin was looking great.
 Nothing wrong with the classic ag in there
 Had to go back up for the latter of the pros, Angelo got munched.

 This run was father to a few real fun shots.
 Oh, that was fun to see

Here's a good end with a rare pass only rumored about in hushed whispers and dark alleys in the sport of the drift. This one is just for you..

Joshua Sewell:

Instagram: josh_sewell_photo