Not only would it most likely be dangerous to drive around the street, but it's also stranded to daytime driving, or at least I hope so with a headlight like the one it was proudly sporting along with a very minimalistic approach to the front license plate attachment, not to mention the task of avoiding the pastry patrol as they look for a reason to flash their roof rack lights and talk to someone about their day. I guess it goes to show how much fun has been had in this feller.
It is always a treat to run into little gems like this out in the wild. Especially ones that seems to know what a good beating feels like. It's inspiring to see an owner so committed to motor sport and the joys of pumping air, that they will drive something as socially unacceptable as this car.
With Missiles It's a love them or hate them thing. I personally love the way that they mirror their driver, it shows that a man, or woman, can indeed have a bond between themselves and a seemingly useless piece of metal.
So with that, this is Joshua Sewell covering a recent spotting and update on the American missile crisis, signing out.
Joshua Sewell
Instagram: josh_sewell_photo
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