Friday, July 10, 2015

Chipman & Taylor: Car Show and Stuff Blog.

The summer is a great time for the classic car. Sure spring and fall are good and all, but in the spring, people are still finishing up their last touches on their projects, and in the fall the classics are just finished with a good summers worth of use and are most likely not looking their best.

In the early to mid summer the best side of classic cars comes out and I have to say I love going out and visiting the local car shows and seeing what has been worked up over the winter. One of these such events that I anticipated this year was the Chimpan & Taylor car show in Pullman Washington, my hometown. This place is a college town in the middle of a farming community which in my opinion is on of the best combinations for the preservation and showcasing of the classic car.

There is a university to feed the pockets of bored professors, and fuel the restoration of barn finds, but also there is an older community of people that grew up in the muscle car era that love to come to these shows and relive the glory days when drag racing down Grand Avenue was the best thing to do on a Saturday Night. This car show in particular is in my opinion one of, if not the best on the Palouse, I overheard a number in the range of 125 cars on the complex for the car show, and have to admit I didn't have the time to take in the details I would have liked of all the cars there.

Now in all reality I feel like this was an overcrowded, almost unprofessionally put on show but none the less I was there for the cars, not to speculate on how the cars could have been shown better. One thing for sure is that this was a family event, there were free hotdogs, a truck bed full of trophies for different categories of cars and live music. The magical combo for any small town large car show.

So as I post more on the Pumps I wanted to showcase from, keep in mind I wanted to show projects that were something unique, that I haven't covered on Pumps and that also had a high level of finish so until the wait for the first post is over, watch a video on how to Drift, something I enjoy watching very much and have been though at least three times.

Joshua Sewell

Instagram: josh_sewell_photo

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